Thursday, February 21, 2008

Doctor Appointment @ 35 weeks 5 days

Well I went to the doctor today. Only about 4 weeks left till our baby girl arrives. They checked her heartbeat and while checking it we all noticed that her heart was beating different. The doctor came back in and told me that he had heard something adnormal with her heartbeat, but not to get too stressed out about it, because it can go away after birth. He said he wrote it in our chart and they will keep a close eye on it, since it can turn out to be something serious. Please keep our baby girl in your thoughts and hope for a happy healthy baby in a few weeks. They also told me that I might have to have a c section, I will find out here in a few weeks. My next appointment is Thursday next week, I will be 36 weeks and 6 almost 37 weeks!!!! I am so ready to meet her!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Doctor Appointment

Well I went to the doctor yesterday. I only gained 1 lb, which brings my total to only 15 lbs so far! (Way better than the 60lbs I gained with Mason!!) They are a little concerned about the problems I have been having with the throbbing behind my eyes and the swelling of my hands and legs. They sent me to have some bloodwork done because my blood pressure was up and they think that all these symptoms might be the start of Preeclampsia. This is the condition that I had during Mason's pregnancy also, which is the reason I delivered him 2 weeks early. I now go to the Doctor every week so they can keep a close eye on my blood pressure. My next appointment is Wed. the 20th. I will keep you all updated!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Just wanted to share some pictures of our work in progress of our "nursery". Because we have a 2 bedroom house we will be sharing our room with her until she is old enough to share a room with Mason. Here are a few pictures....please excuse the mess, but as I said it is in progress...not complete! =)




Bubby & Sissy!

Bubby & Sissy!
They love each other!


Riding on a ride at the winter festival

Mason @ Christmas

Mason @ Christmas

Our baby girl

Our baby girl

With their Grandpa =)

With their Grandpa =)