Monday, February 23, 2009

Silly Mason

Just thought I would put up some random pictures of Mason. Here he is in the tub, eatin cookies with a messy mouth & actin silly. He sure is a big boy now, and so smart!

Stella's baby

Stella has a new favorite toy! It is the cutest little catapillar, a little big for her, but she loves it! She digs her head into it and smiles everytime she sees it!

Through the Looking Glass

When we moved to this house we soon noticed that Cardinals love to sit near our bay window. I always loved this because my great-grandma loved these birds, so every time I see one I think of the good memories I have with her. I love and miss you Mamal. Here is some pics I took through the window at our little guests!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Growing Up!

Change is all around us. I was going through some photos and could help but notice how fast our babies change! They grow up right before your eyes, without you even realizing it!! Enjoy it while you can, before you know it they will be grown!



Field Trip!

Yesterday we took a field trip to Entertrainment Junction. This time Mason got to bring his 2 best friends. He brought his cousin, Ellie, and his buddy from my daycare, Ethan. They had a great are some pics!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Stella has fallen in love with the messiest snacks!! Cheetos! They leave her looking orange with yucky orange hands! What do ya do? I guess...just let her get messy!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Funny faces!

Kids make the funniest faces.....

Trip to the Mall

Today we took a trip to the local mall...This is what we accomplished!

Now she has her ears pierced! Too cute!

And here is what Mason did at the Mall

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our little Model!

So we just got a new camera yesterday, and we have quickly discovered that Stella is a little model. Every time we go to take her picture she gets this cute little grin on her face and wrinkles up her nose! She is too cute!

Potty = Train place

Mason's favorite things are trains, any kind of trains! When we started potty training him we told him that if he filled his chart with "stars" everytime he went to the potty then his reward would be to go to the local train attraction.
This place is awesome. It is the largest indoor train display in the United States....he loves it. They also have many Thomas and Friends activities and a huge playroom for the kids to play in for hours!

Guess what Mason filled up his potty chart, so here was his reward!

Ps. Stella loves it too!

Baby...It's cold outside!!

This time last year we had to carry Mason everywhere because he really didn't like snow. I guess he has now had a change of heart! Here is him playing with his cousin Sami...

Splish Splash.....taking a bath!

Now that Stella is older she gets to spend more time with her bubby! She especially loves the fun times that they have in the bath tub. One thing that she doesnt like is when her brother insists on pouring water on her head!!

Sleepy heads!

Our kids are definately the best things that have ever happen to us. They bring so many good & fun times and truly just light up our lives! Even though they are so adorable some of the best times are when they are sleeping. They just look so sleeping angels! What do you think?


Bubby & Sissy!

Bubby & Sissy!
They love each other!


Riding on a ride at the winter festival

Mason @ Christmas

Mason @ Christmas

Our baby girl

Our baby girl

With their Grandpa =)

With their Grandpa =)